Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2014. 186, 2014. Ester: efficient search on text, entities, and relations. H Bast ...
Managing Director Fabian Glaser. Lenggrieser Str. 15 83646 ... YouTube: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de ... Changes of Terms and Conditions. This Privacy ...
Action search: Spotting actions in videos and its application to temporal action localization. H Alwassel, FC Heilbron, B Ghanem. Proceedings of the European ...
Review of studies on tree species classification from remotely sensed data. FE Fassnacht, H Latifi, K Stereńczak, A Modzelewska, M Lefsky, LT Waser, ... Remote ...
This data protection information provides information on the processing of your personal data within the framework of the use of the Ticket Shop under the joint ...
We use the following terms, among others, in this privacy notice: Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ( ...
Fabian Vollrath Hirschengraben 82 8001 ... Its legal agreement with "YouTube" consists of the terms and conditions ... https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl= ...
Any other personal data processed during the submission process is used to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our information ...
Implementation of a state-to-state analytical framework for the calculation of expansion tube flow properties. CM James, DE Gildfind, SW Lewis, RG Morgan, F ...
Independent evaluation of the realism of the images generated using FaBiAN based on a quality index. Index, Simulated HASTE images, Simulated SS-FSE images. 2 ...